User's Guide


User's GuideWeMax ERPUsage flowInitializeSupplierCustomerDepartment/staffWarehousePropertiesSKU InfomationCash accountBeginning inventoryCreate account bookDocumentsManufacture orderJob assignmentPurchase requisitionPurchase orderPurchase / stock-inStock inReservationStock outStock transferSales quotationSales contractSales/stock-outOther payablesPaymentOther receivablesCollectionBank transferFinancesPayment detailsDIY Payment summaryPayable/paid detailsStatement of PaymentPayables ledgerReal-time payableAging of payableCollection detailsDIY Collection summaryReceivable/received detailsStatement of customerReceivables ledgerReal-time receivableAging of receivableBank transfer detailsDIY Bank transfer summaryCash ledgerTRANS detailsPurchasingPUR REQS detailsPUR REQS summaryDIY PUR REQS summaryPUR order detailsPUR order summaryDIY PUR order summaryPUR/stock-in detailsPUR/stock-in summaryDIY PUR/stock-in summaryManufactureMFR order detailsMFR order summaryDIY MFR order summaryJob assignment detailJob assignment summaryDIY Job assignment summaryInventoryInventory ledgerIn/out detailsReal-time inventoryBatch-diff inventoryInventory agingStock-in detailsStock-in summaryDIY Stock-in summaryReservation detailsReservation summaryDIY Reservation summaryStock-out detailsStock-out summaryStock-out summary by recipientStock-out summary by DEPTStock-out summary by DEPT and categoryDIY Stock-out summaryStock-transfer detailsStock-transfer-out summaryStock-transfer-in summaryDIY Stock-transfer summarySalesSales quotation detailsSales contract detailsSales contract summaryDIY Sales contract summarySales/stock-out detailsSales/stock-out summarySales summary by customerStaff sales acheivementMonthly salesDaily salesDIY Sales/stock-out summaryMonthEndStart stock-takingStock-taking tableGP/Loss DetailsCarry-over of Stock to Next Period(Month)ConsoleUser groupUserAccount bookCommonLayoutReport printList of documentsDocument status: Edit/BrowseData sheet


Usage flow

  1. Getting Start

    1. (Optional) Enter all Supplier informations and its Initial debt (In other words, how much money do you owe the supplier while creating account book).
    2. (Optional) Enter all Customer informations and its Inital debt(In other words, how much money does the customer owe you while creating account book).
    3. (/Optional) Enter all Department/staff informations. That is all department and staff of the comany.
    4. Enter all Warehouse informations and its inventory valuation.
    5. Enter inforamtions for all type of SKU. It contains Common inforamtion (SKU Code, Name, Spec, Unit, Price and so on), bill of materials and multi-units of measurement.
    6. Enter all Cash account and its intial balance.
    7. Enter all on hand quantity into beginning inventory.
    8. Create account book.
  2. Daily work

    1. Manufacture management: Manufacture order -> Job assignment -> Meterial Application -> Picking -> Stock-in as finished.
    2. Purchasing Management: requisition -> Purchase order -> Purchase & stock-in -> payment.
    3. Sales management: Quotation -> Sale order -> Sale & stock-out -> Collection.
    4. Inventory management: Stock-in -> Reservation -> Stock-out -> Stock-transfer
    5. Finance: payable -> pay / receivable -> collect, Cash management.
  3. End of month

    1. Stock-taking and carry to next period(month).



It allows you to manage supplier information and its Initial debt (In other words, how much money do you owe the supplier while creating account book).

  1. Left side is category of supplier's area, e.g. City, Province and County.

    New categoryCreate a new subcategory under currently selected category.If you want to add a new sibling category, please clck "New category" button after select its parent category.
    RenameModify the name of the currently selected category.This button will be hidden after the root category (all areas) is selected
    DeleteDelete currently selected category.1. This button will disappear after the root category (all areas) is selected
    2. If there are suppliers in the current area, Delete can not be done.
  2. Right side is a list of supplier.

    It will displays all suppliers in the selected category (include child category) after select a category.

    AddAdd a new supplier in currently selected category.1. *Required
    2. Initial debt cannot be edit after a/c book created.
    3. If it is not actived, no services will be allowed.
    4. Multiple contacts are allowed
    5. Multiple atachments are allowed
    EditEdit currently selected supplier.This button will be hidden if supplier is not be selected
    DeleteDelete supplier(s) which has be checked on.1. This button will be hidden if supplier is not be checked on.
    2. Supplier can not be deleted if there are related transactions with it.
    PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
    ImportImport from ExcelImport from Excel. The Excel file format is same as the Excel file you Export.
    MoveMove suppliers whitch you checked on to other category.This button will be hidden if supplier is not be checked on.
    LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
    RefreshReload data 
    ExportExport to Excel file 
    SearchType in keyword to search for 



It allows you to manage custmer information and its Initial debt (In other words, how much money does the customer owe you while creating account book).

  1. Left side is category of customer's area, e.g. City, Province and County.

    New categoryCreate a new sub-category under the currently selected category.If you want to add a new sibling category, please clck "New category" button after select its parent category.
    RenameModify the name of the currently selected category.This button will be hidden after the root category (all areas) is selected
    DeleteDelete currently selected category.1. This button will be hidden after the root category (all areas) is selected
    2. If there are customers in the current area, Delete can not be done.
  2. Right side is a list of customer.

    It will displays all customers in the selected category (include child category) after select a category.

    AddAdd a new customer in currently selected category.1. *Required
    2. Initial debt cannot be edit after a/c book created.
    3. If it is not actived, no services will be allowed.
    4. Multiple contacts are allowed
    5. Multiple atachments are allowed
    EditEdit currently selected customer.This button will be hidden if customer is not be selected
    DeleteDelete customer(s) which has be checked on.1. This button will be hidden if supplier is not be checked on.
    2. Custmoer can not be deleted if there are related transactions with it.
    PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
    ImportImport from ExcelImport from Excel. The Excel file format is same as the Excel file you Export.
    MoveMove costomers whitch you checked on to other category.This button will be hidden if customer is not be checked on.
    LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
    RefreshReload data 
    ExportExport to Excel file 
    SearchType in keyword to search for 



It allows you to manage department and staff

  1. Left side is department list

    This is department management of company.

    The root node is company name.

    New dept.Create a new sub-department under the currently selected department.If you want to add a new sibling department, please click "New dept." button after select its parent department.
    RenameModify the name of the currently selected department.This button will be hidden after the root node(company) is selected
    DeleteDelete currently selected department.1. This button will be hidden after the root node(company) is selected
    2. If there are staffs in the current department, Delete can not be done.
  2. Right size is staff list

    It will displays all staffs in the selected department (include child department ) after select a department .

    AddAdd a new staff in currently selected department.1. *Required
    2. “ Regular hourly wage ” is used for wage calculation.
    3. If it is not active, no services will be allowed.
    4. Multiple attachments are allowed.
    EditEdit currently selected staff.This button will be hidden if staff is not be selected
    DeleteDelete staff(s) which has be checked on.1. This button will be hidden if staff is not be checked on.
    2. Staff can not be deleted if there are related transactions with it.
    PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
    ImportImport from ExcelImport from Excel. The Excel file format is same as the Excel file you Export.
    MoveMove staffs which you checked on to other department.This button will be hidden if staff is not be checked on.
    LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
    RefreshReload data 
    ExportExport to Excel file 
    SearchType in keyword to search for 



It allows you to manage warehouse

  1. Left side is warehouse list.

    The root node is company name.

    New warehouseCreate a new sub-warehouse under the currently selected warehouse.1. If you want to add a new sibling warehouse, please clck "New warehouse" button after select its parent warehouse.
    2. *Required
    3. If it is not actived, no services will be allowed.
    EditDelete currently selected warehouse.1. This button will be hidden after the root node(company) is selected.
    2. Inventory valuation cannot be edited after account has been created.
    DeleteDelete currently selected warehouse.1. This button will be hidden after the root node(company) is selected.
    2. If there are child warehouse in the current warehouse or there are related transactions with it, Delete can not be done.
    1. Inventory valuation

      1. Weighted average

        It is a method which calculates cost of current period inventory and ending inventory balance valuation on the price based on beginning inventory balance, quantity of current period inventory and purchase price cost, current period weighted average for accounting of the ending inventory. Formula: weighted average = (cost of beginning inventory + cost of current period purchased inventory)/(quantity of beginning inventory + quantity of current period purchased inventory)

      2. MWA (Moving Weighted Average)

        It is a method based on calculation principle of weighted average. After each purchase of items, a new average unit cost is worked out based on quantity of inventory and total cost to account the cost of current period inventory and ending inventory balance valuation. Formula: moving weighted average = (previous cost of inventory + cost of the purchased inventory)/ (quantity of previous inventory + quantity of this purchased inventory)

      3. First-in, first-out First In First Out is based on the assumption that the inventory firstly purchased are sold firstly. Every time when the inventory is sold, the cost is firstly accounted on the firstly purchased batch of inventory, in case of shortage of sold inventory, it will be accounted on the second and third batches. The rest may be reduced by analogy. Formula: cost of inventory sold of current period=∑quantity of sold inventory ×pre-received price of inventory


      Note: Fill in cost-price in stock-in and ignore cost-price in stock-out, if use FIFO, WA, WMA.


  2. Right side is user's privileges about current warehouse.

    1. Checked on indicate you have permission
    2. Drop down list: Full control / Read only

    Note: Click "save" after finished configing.



It allows you to manage properties and value.

  1. Left side is property list.

    What is property?

    1. Usually when we describe items, various properties are involved, and different types of items have different properties.

      For example: Color, fabric, size of clothing, voltage resistance, medium, capacity of capacitor, etc.

    2. To set properties of SKU while editing is a good idea.

      For example: clothing is related to color, fabric, size, capacitor is related to voltage resistance, medium, capacity, etc.

    3. The color, fabric, size, pressure resistance, medium, and capacity mentioned above are all properties.

    New propertyAdd a new property1. PROP Code : It must be unique and can be in letters or numbers. For example, the color property code can be COLOR.
    2. *Required
    3. If active is not checked on, it is disabled.
    EditEdit currently selected propertyThis button will be hidden if property is not be selected
    DeleteDelete currently selected propertyIf there are value  in the current property, Delete can not be done.
  2. The right side is the value of the property

    What is value of the property?

    A collection of values used to describe property, such as: color attribute, its attribute values can include: red, yellow, blue..., voltage resistance attribute, its attribute values can include: 220V, 380V, 1000V...

    AddAdd a new value in currently selected property.1. PROP Value Code: It must be unique and can be in letters or numbers. For example, the color of red code can be RED.
    2. *Required
    3. If active is not checked on, it is disabled.
    EditEdit currently selected valueThis button will be hidden if value is not be selected
    DeleteDelete value(s) which has be checked on.This button will be hidden if value(s) is not be checked on
    PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
    LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
    RefreshReload data 
    ExportExport to Excel file 
    SearchType in keyword to search for 


SKU Infomation

This feature is used to categorize and manage all the items in your unit, just like a dictionary of items for your company.

SKU (pronounced “skew”), short for stock keeping unit, is used by retailers to identify and track its inventory, or stock. A SKU is a unique code consisting of letters and numbers that identify characteristics about each product, such as manufacturer, brand, style, color, and size.

  1. Left side is category of SKU

    New categoryCreate a new subcategory under the currently selected category.If you want to add a new sibling category, please clck "New category" button after select its parent category.
    RenameModify the name of the currently selected category.This button will disappear after the root category (all categories) is selected
    DeleteDelete currently selected category.1. This button will disappear after the root category (all areas) is selected
    2. If there are items in the current area, Delete can not be done.
  2. Right side is SKU list

    It will displays all SKUs in the selected category (include child categories) after select a category.

    AddAdd a new SKU in currently selected category.1. *Required
    2. If it is not actived, no services will be allowed.
    EditEdit currently selected SKUThis button will be hidden if SKU is not be selected
    DeleteDelete SKU(s) which has be checked on.1. This button will be hidden if SKU(s) is not be checked on
    2. SKU can not be deleted if there are related transactions with it.
    PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
    ImportImport from ExcelImport from Excel. The Excel file format is same as the Excel file you Export.
    MoveMove SKUs whitch you checked on to other category.This button will be hidden if SKU(s) is not be checked on
    LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
    RefreshReload data 
    ExportExport to Excel file 
    SearchType in keyword to search for 
    1. Common

      SKU code1. Must be unique
      2. Usually 13 digits, composed of numbers or letters, numbers are recommended
      3. You can click the settings button to set the code format.
      Batch trace1. Mixed in and out: Items in and out regardless of batch order
      2. First in, first out:Goods from the earliest received batches are prioritized for release.
      3. Stock issued from Batches: Items are picked for outgoing based on their incoming batch, with the user specifying which batch to pick from during outgoing.
      For example, for medicines:
      Each batch is assigned a batch number, and when goods are issued, those nearing their expiry date from earlier batches are prioritized for release. This process is referred to as "Stock issued from Batches".
      Some prefer to follow the principle of "First in, first out", where goods from the earliest received batches are prioritized for release.
      If batches are not distinguished, it results in "mixed in and out".

      When you select "Stock issued from Batches":
      a. Input batch NO in stock-in or purchase/stock-in.
      b. Set relation to batchs on stock-out or sale/stock-out
      c. You can see how many items are left in each batch and which customers each batch has been sent to in Inventory/Batch-diff inventory.
      d. You can see the storage age of the items in Inventory/Batch-diff inventory.
      e. You can see which batches each outbound shipment comes from in Inventory/Stock-out details.
      property1. Dropdown and select property, It allow different types of items to be associated with different attributes.
      For example: clothing can be associated with properties like color, fabric, and size, while capacitors can be associated with propertieslike voltage rating, dielectric, and capacitance.
      2. After selecting an property, a dropdown to choose the property's value appears, and the next property field is automatically displayed.
      3. When selecting from the dropdown, if the desired property or value is not available, you can add, delete, or modify it, or go to "Inintialize / properties" for maintenance.
      Unit1. The unit of measurement for items is used for inventory accounting, and the subsequent unit price refers to the price per unit quantity.
      2. If the item already has inventory or has undergone transactions, please exercise caution when making modifications.
      Exactly! Changing the unit from "ton" to "kilogram" when there is already 10 tons in inventory would result in a significant error.
      3. When units are set, the "Multiple Units" page will be displayed, allowing the setup of a group of measurement units.
      MFR DEPT.Subsequent dispatching will be scheduled for production according to the production department assigned for the item.
      Processing priceUsed for Manufacture order and Job assignment to calculate processing costs
      Scrap rate (%)The scrap rate is mainly used to limit material requisition during production.
      For example, if the BOM (Bill of Materials) requires 1 kilogram of material and the scrap rate is 10%, then the maximum allowable issuance is 1.1 kilograms.
      Cost priceThe cost price is the purchase price, exclusive of tax, used as a reference during inbound inventory transactions.
      Sale priceVAT Incl.
      Shelf life(days)1. During inbound transactions, the production date is entered, based on which the shelf life and expiry date can be calculated.
      2. It needs to be combined with batch management for "First In, First Out" or "Stock issued from Batches" usage.
      SupplierThe selected supplier here is for reference only. The actual supplier will be based on the supplier selected on the document.
      Lower limit / Upper limit1. The maximum upper and lower limits for items in inventory: exceeding the upper limit is considered overstock, while falling below the lower limit is considered a shortage.
      2. You can check overstock and shortage in "Inventory/Real-time inventory or Inventory ledger".
      Size(m3) / G.W.(kg) / N.W.(kg)1. In all places where quantities are present, the total volume, total gross weight, and total net weight will be automatically calculated and displayed.
      2. Otherwise, it will be automatically hidden.
      Parent package / Package quantityWhen selecting the parent packaging and defining the quantity, during outbound transactions (including sales and other outbound transactions), if the inventory of the smaller packaging is insufficient but there is inventory of the parent packaging, automatic unpacking will occur. This means the parent packaging will be automatically issued, and upon conversion to the smaller packaging, it will be automatically received to fulfill the requirement for the smaller packaging during outbound transactions.
      • Pricing based on sales type

        1. Choose the sales method, which can be set as wholesale, retail, etc. Different sales type have different prices or discounts.
        2. When selecting items on the sales order, choose the sales method first. Then, the system will apply the prices and discounts set here for the sale.
      • Pricing based on customer

        1. Choose the customer. Different customers have different prices or discounts.
        2. On the sales order, select the customer first, then select the items. The system will apply the prices and discounts set here for the sale.
      • special promotion

        Reachreach a certain quantity
        FromWhen does the promotion start?
        ToWhen does the promotion end?
        Sale typeSpecify the sales type.

        During promotions, when the sales type is appropriate, after selecting the item and entering the quantity, the system will sell the item based on the prices and discounts set here.

      • Purchase promotion

        same as special promotion

    2. b.o.m.

      Define here which semi-finished products or parts constitute this item (finished product), and the quantity of each semi-finished product or part.

      That is: Bill of Materials (BOM)

      Currently, the software has the following BOM applications:

      1. Calculate material costs.
      2. MRP calculation (generate raw material requisition orders, generate raw material issue orders, generate raw material purchase requisition orders, generate sub-manufacture orders, generate job orders).
      3. Automatically generate purchase orders: Automatically generate purchase orders based on the BOM information of each product on the sales order (sales contract) and current inventory levels of components combined with their lower limits.
      4. Split into components based on the product BOM, and automatically generate documents: Purchase orders, other stock-in, other stock-out, sales quotations, sales orders, sales/stock-out, all have BOM functionality.
    3. b.o.m. preview

      The BOM specifies which materials constitute the current item, and each material also has its own bill of materials. The BOM preview displays the bill of materials in a hierarchical tree structure with multiple levels.

    4. Multiple Units

      1. Each item can define a set of units of measurement to be used and define the conversion relationships between them (i.e., support an unlimited number of units of measurement). For example, for cigarettes: cigarettes can be measured in cartons, packs, bundles, and sticks. Therefore, cartons, packs, bundles, and sticks are all units of measurement for cigarettes, constituting the unit of measurement set for cigarettes. If 1 carton of cigarettes contains 10 packs, 1 pack contains 20 sticks, then the conversion rate between cartons and packs is 10, between packs and bundles is 10, and between bundles and sticks is 20.

      2. Display options (how the "quantity description" is displayed in subsequent documents and summary details):

        1. Combined display: For example: 1 carton, 2 packs, 3 bundles, 4 sticks.
        2. Converted and displayed in a specified unit of measurement: When selecting this option, please choose the unit from the dropdown menu. In the "quantity description," the quantity will automatically be displayed in the specified unit you have chosen. This is more suitable for situations where users use dual units of measurement. For example, if a user wants to know both the number of packs and the number of sticks of cigarettes, assuming there are 20 packs of cigarettes, the "quantity description" in subsequent documents and summary details will display "2 bundles", and the quantity will be displayed as 20.


Cash account

This feature is used to manage your cash account information and record the opening balance of each account before the accounting period begins.

AddAdd a cash account.1. *Required
2. Initial balance cannot be edit after a/c book created.
3. If not checked/actived, it's considered deactivated and cannot be used for transactions.
EditEdit currently selected cash accountIf no cash account is selected, this button will not be displayed.
DeleteDelete cash account(s) which has be checked on.1. This button will be hidden if cash account(s) is not be checked on
2. Cash account can not be deleted if there are related transactions with it.
PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
ImportImport from ExcelImport from Excel. The Excel file format is same as the Excel file you Export.
LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
RefreshReload data 
ExportExport to Excel file 
SearchType in keyword to search for 


Beginning inventory

Before using the system, the inventory data on the system is zero, so please enter your current inventory as the beginning inventory. You can conduct a stocktaking of your warehouse and use the results of the stocktaking as the beginning inventory."

If you need a more polished version, here it is:

"Since the system currently shows zero inventory, please enter your existing inventory as the beginning inventory. You can perform a stocktake of your warehouse and use the results as the beginning inventory in the system.

AddAdd a record of inventory begins1. 开账后不可Add
DeleteDelete record(s) which has be checked on.1. 开账后不可Delete
2. 未勾选供应商则不显示此Button
PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
ImportImport from ExcelImport from Excel. The Excel file format is same as the Excel file you Export.
LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
RefreshReload data 
ExportExport to Excel file 
SearchType in keyword to search for 
Batch NOHere, you need to enter the batch number. If batch management is required, this batch number must be recorded.
PROD datePlease select the production date here. If batch management is necessary, the production date combined with the shelf life set in the item information can be used to calculate near-expiry and expiry dates.
SKU code1. Required
2. Select an item from the dropdown list, or filter by entering keywords or the initials of the item's pinyin before making a selection.
3. The name and specifications will be displayed based on the selected item. If the selected item has defined volume, gross weight, and net weight in the item information, these will be automatically shown and the totals will be calculated based on the quantity.
QuantityEnter the initial quantity here. After the warehouse name, item code, and quantity are entered, a new row will be added automatically.
Cost priceCost price
Cost amountCost amount=Cost price*Quantity


Create account book

  1. Confirmation Items

  2. Correctly Select the Start Period

    The system divides the year into 12 monthly periods.

    Check "I have read the confirmation" and then click "Create account book".

  3. You must create account book before keep account transactions.

  4. If you need to reverse the initialization for any reason, please proceed with caution. The steps are as follows: Go to Console | Account Book, and click "Recovery".


Manufacture order

This function is used to issue manufacture orders to internal production departments or external collaborators.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending Manufacturing

          Documents that are released, not aborted, and have not started production.

        2. In progress

          Documents that are released, not aborted, and have started production.

        3. Finished

          Documents that are released, not aborted, and have been completed in production.

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Use sales contract

          Referencing the sales order to initiate production is suitable for a zero-inventory situation, producing according to sales orders.

          Only released and not aborted sales orders can be referenced.

      2. Enter the detailed section.

        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.
        Processing priceThe default is processing price set in SKU information.
        Processing charge=processing price * quantity
        Start dateIt refers to when production should begin, and this can serve as the basis for job assignment.
        Target finish dateRoughly when will it be completed, and this can serve as the basis for job assignment.
        Add'l1-70It can be used for special purposes, such as production scheduling.


    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Release

          MRP calculations can only be performed after released, to calculate material requirements and generate the corresponding documents.

        2. MRP calculations(MRP calculations can only be performed after released)

          If there is a Job assignment, MRP can also be performed on the Job assignment.

          Calculate raw material consumption based on the pending manufacture quantity of the products on the manufacture order, in conjunction with the bill of materials (BOM).

          Click “MRP”, and then popup a dialog

          1. On the left side is the material bill of materials (BOM) structure tree for the products on the manufacture order.

            The default setting is to expand only the first level, as typically only the required materials are issued. As for how the required materials are produced and issued, that concerns other manufacture orders. If you wish to issue materials for the lower-level items together, please expand them.

            The table on the right automatically displays the materials needed and their quantities for issuance.

          2. The table on the right is the materials needed and their quantities for issuance.

            Required quantity = Quantity * (1 + Scrap Rate%) - Used Quantity

            1. Select the required materials for issuance, then click "Generate":

              1. Generate Raw Material Requisition Form “Reservation
              2. Generate Raw Material Issue Form “Stock-out
              3. Generate Raw Material Purchase Requisition Form “Purchase Requisition
        3. Create sub-order

          Based on the pending production quantity of the products on the manufacture order and in conjunction with the bill of materials (BOM), identify the materials that need to be produced (determined by whether the material is defined with a BOM). Provide suggested production quantities, which will be finalized by the operator, and then generate suborders.

          For example, if a manufacture order requires manufacturing a table, based on the bill of materials (BOM), it breaks down into components like tabletops, table legs, paint, etc. Among these, tabletops and table legs need to be manufactured in-house. Therefore, new manufacture orders (suborders) are required for manufacturing these components.

          Click "Create sub-order" to open a window:

          1. On the left side is the material bill of materials (BOM) structure tree for the products on the manufacture order.

          2. On the right side is a table of materials that need to be produced:

            1. Production Quantity = Required Quantity - Inventory Quantity - Work in Progress Quantity - Purchase Pending Receipt Quantity + Locked Quantity + Sales Pending Shipment Quantity. You can manually adjust this, but it cannot be less than 0. If it's 0, then no production is required.
            2. Production Department = The production department defined in the item information. You can manually modify this to split the order based on the production department.
            3. Check the materials that need to be produced, then click "Create sub-order" to create the suborders.
        4. Job assignment

          To dispatch the current manufacture order, click "Job assignment" and first select the generation rules:

          • Start Date
          • Target finish Date
          • SKU code
          • SKU name

          Split the order into different Job assignment according to the rules.

      2. Detailed section

        Completed QTYOther stock-in referencing this manufacture order or related job assignments consider the product completed once the stock-in is keep account. The "Completed QTY" here will be updated accordingly.
        Balance QTYThe initial quantity is equal to the total quantity. With each completion and stock-in, the "Balance QTY" quantity will decrease.

Job assignment

Job assignment can be generated from manufacture orders or entered manually, serving for production dispatch and labor hour registration purposes.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending Manufacturing

          Documents that are released, not aborted, and have not started production.

        2. In progress

          Documents that are released, not aborted, and have started production.

        3. Finished

          Documents that are released, not aborted, and have been completed in production.

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Enter the head section

        MFR DEPT.: Which department is this document assigned to?

      2. Enter the detailed section.

        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
        Processing priceThe default is processing price set in SKU information.
        Processing charge=processing price * quantity
        Start dateIt refers to when production should begin, and this can serve as the basis for job assignment.
        Target finish dateRoughly when will it be completed, and this can serve as the basis for job assignment.
        StaffWho will complete it?
        Normal hoursNormal hours
        Regular hourly wage (readonly)Display staff's regular hourly wage set in Department/staff
        Normal wage=Regular hourly wage * Normal hours
        Over-time hoursOver-time hours
        Over time hourly wage (readonly)Display staff's Over time hourly wage set in Department/staff
        Over-time wage=Over time hourly wage * Over-time hours
        Add'l1-30It can be used for special purposes, such as production scheduling.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Release

          MRP calculations can only be performed after released, to calculate material requirements and generate the corresponding documents.

        2. MRP calculations(MRP calculations can only be performed after released)

          If there is a Job assignment, MRP can also be performed on the Job assignment.

          Calculate raw material consumption based on the pending manufacture quantity of the products on the manufacture order, in conjunction with the bill of materials (BOM).

          Click “MRP”, and then popup a dialog

          1. On the left side is the material bill of materials (BOM) structure tree for the products on the manufacture order.

            The default setting is to expand only the first level, as typically only the required materials are issued. As for how the required materials are produced and issued, that concerns other manufacture orders. If you wish to issue materials for the lower-level items together, please expand them.

            The table on the right automatically displays the materials needed and their quantities for issuance.

          2. The table on the right is the materials needed and their quantities for issuance.

            Required quantity = Quantity * (1 + Scrap Rate%) - Used Quantity

            1. Select the required materials for issuance, then click "Generate":

              1. Generate Raw Material Requisition Form “Reservation

              2. Generate Raw Material Issue Form “Stock-out

              3. Generate Raw Material Purchase Requisition Form “Purchase Requisition


      2. Detailed section

        Completed QTYOther stock-in referencing this manufacture order or related job assignments consider the product completed once the stock-in is keep account. The "Completed QTY" here will be updated accordingly.
        Per-piece labour=Completed QTY * Processing price
        Balance QTYThe initial quantity is equal to the total quantity. With each completion and stock-in, the "Balance QTY" quantity will decrease.


Purchase requisition

The purchase requisition form requests the procurement department to purchase certain items and specifies when they are needed.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending

          Documents that are released, not aborted, and have not used.

        2. Used

          Documents that are released, not aborted, and have been used.

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. bom

          Select an item, break down its Bill of Materials (BOM) to extract the required materials, and fill in the details.

        2. bom (Sales contract)

          Select a sales order, break down each item according to its Bill of Materials (BOM) to extract the required materials, and fill in the details in the purchase requisition form. If a BOM is not defined, simply add the item itself to the detail line (equivalent to purchasing exactly what was sold, with zero inventory).

      2. Enter the head section

        Department : Which department is making the request?

        Staff : Who is making the request?

      3. Enter the detailed section.

        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
        Date dueWhen is it needed?
        SupplierWhich supplier is it from?

    Browse mode

    1. Toolbar buttons

      1. Release

        It can only be used by the purchase order after release.

Purchase order

The purchase order, which acts as the purchase contract, is sent to the supplier. The supplier ships the goods according to the order.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending Receipt

          Released, not aborted documents with remaining (undelivered) quantities.

        2. Finished

          Released, not aborted documents without remaining (undelivered) quantities.

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. bom

          Select an item, break down its Bill of Materials (BOM) to extract the required materials, and fill in the details.

        2. bom (Sales contract)

          Select a sales order, break down each item according to its Bill of Materials (BOM) to extract the required materials, and fill in the details in the purchase requisition form. If a BOM is not defined, simply add the item itself to the detail line (equivalent to purchasing exactly what was sold, with zero inventory).

        3. Apply purchase requisition

          Reference the purchase requisition form, fill in the detail lines of the purchase order.

        4. FCY exchange

          To utilize foreign currency functionality, please check 'Price (FCY)' and 'Amount (FCY)' on layout setting. After entering the currency, exchange rate, 'Price (FCY)', and 'Amount (FCY)', clicking this button will automatically calculate the base currency amount.

      2. Enter the head section

      3. Enter the detailed section.

        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
        Addt'l lessClick here to allow entry of multiple discounts. For example, if you first apply an 20% discount and then a 10% discount, enter:
        The system will automatically calculate a combined discount rate of 28%, equivalent to a 72% discount.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Release

          It can only be used by the purchase stock-in after release.

      2. Detailed section

        Arrival QTYThe purchase / stock-in references this purchase order. Once keep accounted for, the products are considered received, and the Arrival QTY will be updated.
        Balance QTYInitially, the Balance QTY equals the total quantity. After accounting for purchases / stock-in, the Balance QTY will decrease.

Purchase / stock-in

Here, you can process your purchase / stock-in. You can either generate a purchase / stock-in directly from a purchase order or manually enter it. However, it's recommended to generate it from the purchase order so that the system can deduct directly from the order. This way, you can conveniently track the completion status of the order and the received quantity.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending Payments

          The documents have been accounted for but have a payable balance.

        2. Payed

          The documents have been accounted for and there are no payable balance.

        3. Invoice received

          The documents have been invoiced (with invoice date).

        4. Invoice not received

          The documents have not been invoiced (no invoice date).

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Use PO

          You can reference released purchase orders by clicking [Use PO]. The system will display a list of released purchase orders available for reference. In the selection window:

          Check the purchase orders on you wish to reference, then click 'Select.' The system will automatically generate a purchase / stock-in based on the items not yet received from the selected purchase orders. All you need to do afterwards is specify the warehouse and location where these items will be stored (select a warehouse and location) and enter the quantity received for this shipment.

        2. FCY exchange

          To utilize foreign currency functionality, please check 'Price (FCY)' and 'Amount (FCY)' on layout setting. After entering the currency, exchange rate, 'Price (FCY)', and 'Amount (FCY)', clicking this button will automatically calculate the base currency amount.

      2. Enter the head section

        1. Supplier: Required. When accounting, the accounts payable will increase.
        2. DD of PAY: Suggest filling it in, as this can be used later to query overdue accounts payable.
        3. Batch No.: You can enter the batch number here. If batch management is required, then this batch number needs to be entered.
        4. PROD date: Here you select the production date. If batch management is required, this production date, combined with the shelf life set in the item information, can calculate the expiry date and the remaining shelf life.
        5. Warehouse: select the warehouse here.
      3. Enter the detailed section.

        Batch No.You can enter the batch number here. If batch management is required, then this batch number needs to be entered.
        PROD dateHere you select the production date. If batch management is required, this production date, combined with the shelf life set in the item information, can calculate the expiry date and the remaining shelf life.
        Warehouseselect the warehouse here.
        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
        Addt'l lessClick here to allow entry of multiple discounts. For example, if you first apply an 20% discount and then a 10% discount, enter:
        The system will automatically calculate a combined discount rate of 28%, equivalent to a 72% discount.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Keep account

          The inventory ledger (increasing inventory), accounts payable (increasing accounts payable), and updating the received quantity on purchase orders (if referencing purchase orders) can only be updated after accounting for the documents. Therefore, it is required to audit before accounting. Once confirmed to be correct, click 'Keep Account'.

    3. Parameter Explanation:

      1. Multiple Warehouses:

        • When checked, allows selection of warehouses in the details section. A single document can include items from multiple warehouses.
        • When unchecked, warehouse selection is made at the document header level. A single document can only belong to one warehouse.
      2. Multiple Batches:

        • When checked, allows entry of batch numbers and production dates in the details section. A single document can include multiple batch numbers and production dates.
        • When unchecked, batch number and production date entry is made at the document header level. A single document can only have one batch number and production date.
      3. Automatic Warehouse Matching:

        • When checked, automatically matches the item with the warehouse that has the highest inventory for that item upon selection.

Stock in

This functionality is used for creating, updating, and deleting in-stock. Apart from purchase receipts, all other in-stocks are created here. You can customize the Stock-in type during document creation, such as production completion, etc.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Invoice received

          The documents have been invoiced (with invoice date).

        2. Invoice not received

          The documents have not been invoiced (no invoice date).

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. bom

          Select an item, break down its Bill of Materials (BOM) to extract the required materials, and fill in the details.

        2. Use MO

          You can reference released manufacture orders for production completion in-stock by clicking [Use MO]. The system will display a list of released manufacture orders available for reference. In the selection window:

          Check the manufacture orders you wish to reference, then click 'Select.' The system will automatically generate stock-in document based on the unfinished items from the selected manufacture orders. All you need to do afterwards is specify the warehouse and location where these items will be stored (select a warehouse and location) and enter the quantity for this production completion in-stock.

        3. Use job assignment

          You can reference released job assignments for production completion in-stock by clicking [Use job assignment]. The system will display a list of released job assignments available for reference. In the selection window:

          Check the job assignments you wish to reference, then click 'Select.' The system will automatically generate stock-in document based on the unfinished items from the selected manufacture orders. All you need to do afterwards is specify the warehouse and location where these items will be stored (select a warehouse and location) and enter the quantity for this production completion in-stock.

      2. Enter the head section

        1. Batch No.: You can enter the batch number here. If batch management is required, then this batch number needs to be entered.
        2. PROD date: Here you select the production date. If batch management is required, this production date, combined with the shelf life set in the item information, can calculate the expiry date and the remaining shelf life.
        3. Warehouse: select the warehouse here.
      3. Enter the detailed section.

        Batch No.You can enter the batch number here. If batch management is required, then this batch number needs to be entered.
        PROD dateHere you select the production date. If batch management is required, this production date, combined with the shelf life set in the item information, can calculate the expiry date and the remaining shelf life.
        Warehouseselect the warehouse
        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Keep account

          The documents can only update the inventory ledger (increasing inventory), update the quantity produced on production orders (if referenced), and update the quantity produced on production dispatch orders (if referenced) after accounting for them. Therefore, it is required to audit before accounting. Once confirmed to be correct, click 'Keep Account'.

    3. Parameter Explanation:

      1. Multiple Warehouses:

        • When checked, allows selection of warehouses in the details section. A single document can include items from multiple warehouses.
        • When unchecked, warehouse selection is made at the document header level. A single document can only belong to one warehouse.
      2. Multiple Batches:

        • When checked, allows entry of batch numbers and production dates in the details section. A single document can include multiple batch numbers and production dates.
        • When unchecked, batch number and production date entry is made at the document header level. A single document can only have one batch number and production date.
      3. Automatic Warehouse Matching:

        • When checked, automatically matches the item with the warehouse that has the highest inventory for that item upon selection.


This functionality is used for out-stock requests. If there is a management process involved, out-stock requests can be directly referenced by stock-out documents, allowing for tracking of completion status.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Picking pending

          The documents that are released, not aborted, and have Balance quantities.

        2. Finished

          The documents that are released, not aborted, and haven't Balance quantities.


  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Enter the head section

        Department: Select department, indicating which department made the request.

        Staff: Select employee, indicating who made the request.

      2. Enter the detailed section.

        Date dueWhen is it needed?
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Release

          It can only be used by the stock-out after release.

      2. Detailed section

        Out quantityWhen referencing its stock-out document keep account, the out quantity will be updated.
        Balance QTYInitially, the Balance QTY equals the total quantity. After accounting for stock-out, the Balance QTY will decrease.

Stock out

This feature is used for adding, deleting, and modifying stock-out. All out-stock orders in this system, except for sales out-stock orders, are created here. You can customize the out-stock method when creating an order, such as material requisition out-stock, etc.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Invoice received

          The documents have been invoiced (with invoice date).

        2. Invoice not received

          The documents have not been invoiced (no invoice date).

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. bom

          Select an item, break down its Bill of Materials (BOM) to extract the required materials, and fill in the details.

        2. Use reservation

          You can use already released out-stock reservations to proceed with the out-stock process. Click on [Use reservation], and the system will list the released out-stock reservations for you to use. In the window for selecting out-stock reservations:

          Check the out-stock reservations you need to use, and after clicking "Select," the system will automatically generate other out-stock orders based on the unreleased items in the out-stock reservations. After that, all you need to do is specify to which warehouse and which location within the warehouse you will allocate these items (select the warehouse and location) and fill in the quantity for this out-stock transaction.

      2. Enter the head section

        1. Warehouse: select the warehouse here.
      3. Enter the detailed section.

        Warehouseselect the warehouse
        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
        PriceFor warehouses using First-In-First-Out (FIFO), Moving Weighted Average, or Monthly Weighted Average methods, there is no need to fill in the prices on the documents. The system will automatically calculate and fill in the prices during the accounting process.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Keep Account

          The inventory ledger (to reduce inventory) and the material requisition quantity on the out-stock reservations (if an out-stock reservation is referenced) can only be updated after the document is kept account. Therefore, it is required to review the document before accounting for. After confirming that everything is correct, click "Keep Account".

      2. Detailed section

        Batch Write-offIf the batch tracking for an item is set to "Stock issued from Batches" this column will be automatically displayed on the document.
        After clicking, the available batches previously stocked will be displayed.
        Please enter the quantity for the required batch, and click "OK" to save.
        Please perform this operation before bookkeeping.
    3. Parameter Explanation:

      1. Multiple Warehouses:

        • When checked, allows selection of warehouses in the details section. A single document can include items from multiple warehouses.
        • When unchecked, warehouse selection is made at the document header level. A single document can only belong to one warehouse.
      2. Automatic Warehouse Matching:

        • When checked, automatically matches the item with the warehouse that has the highest inventory for that item upon selection.

Stock transfer

This function is used to add, delete, and modify stock transfer orders, which involve moving items from a source warehouse to a target warehouse. It's equivalent to creating both an out-stock order and an in-stock order simultaneously.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. bom

          Select an item, break down its Bill of Materials (BOM) to extract the required materials, and fill in the details.

      2. Enter the head section

      3. Enter the detailed section.

        Source warehouse / Target warehouseThe source warehouse and target warehouse cannot be the same warehouse
        SKU CodeIf the item's "batch trace" is set to "Stock issued from Batches" which is currently not supported, please fill in separate stock-in and stock-out orders instead of using a stock transfer order.
        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
        PriceFor warehouses using First-In-First-Out (FIFO), Moving Weighted Average, or Monthly Weighted Average methods, there is no need to fill in the prices on the documents. The system will automatically calculate and fill in the prices during the accounting process.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Keep accout

          The document can only update the inventory detail ledger (reduce inventory in the source warehouse and add inventory in the target warehouse) after it is kept account. Therefore, it is required to review the document before account keeping. After confirming that everything is correct, click "Keep accout".


      1. Parameter Explanation:

        1. Multiple Warehouses:

          • When checked, allows selection of warehouses in the details section. A single document can include items from multiple warehouses.
          • When unchecked, warehouse selection is made at the document header level. A single document can only belong to one warehouse.
        2. Automatic Warehouse Matching:

          • When checked, automatically matches the item with the warehouse that has the highest inventory for that item upon selection.

Sales quotation

This function is used to prepare sales quotations and make quotations to customers.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. bom

          Select an item, break down its Bill of Materials (BOM) to extract the required materials, and fill in the details.

        2. FCY exchange

          To utilize foreign currency functionality, please check 'Price (FCY)' and 'Amount (FCY)' on layout setting. After entering the currency, exchange rate, 'Price (FCY)', and 'Amount (FCY)', clicking this button will automatically calculate the base currency amount.

      2. Enter the head section

        Quoter : Drop down and select, The list is customer's contacts.

      3. Enter the detailed section.

        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
        Price(VAT Incl.)The default price set in SKU Information, has the following priority: Special promotion -> Pricing based on sales type -> Pricing by customer -> Sale price
        Addt'l lessClick here to allow entry of multiple discounts. For example, if you first apply an 20% discount and then a 10% discount, enter:
        The system will automatically calculate a combined discount rate of 28%, equivalent to a 72% discount.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Release

          1. The sales quotation can only be used by the "sales order" and "sales / stock-out" after it has been released.
          2. The sales quotation does not update inventory.

Sales contract

This feature is used for adding, deleting, and modifying Sales contract.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending Shipment

          Released, not aborted documents with remaining (undelivered) quantities.

        2. Finished

          Released, not aborted documents without remaining (undelivered) quantities.

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. bom

          Select an item, break down its Bill of Materials (BOM) to extract the required materials, and fill in the details.

        2. Use sales quotation

          You can using released sales quotations to generate sales orders. Click on [Use sales quotation], and the system will list the released sales quotations for your using. In the window for selecting sales quotations:

          Check the sales quotations you need to reference, and after clicking "Select," the system will automatically generate the sales order based on the content of the sales quotation. Then, you just need to fill in the quantity for this order.

        3. FCY exchange

          To utilize foreign currency functionality, please check 'Price (FCY)' and 'Amount (FCY)' on layout setting. After entering the currency, exchange rate, 'Price (FCY)', and 'Amount (FCY)', clicking this button will automatically calculate the base currency amount.

      2. Enter the head section

        Ship address: Drop down and select, The list is customer's address.

      3. Enter the detailed section.

        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
        Price(VAT Incl.)The default price set in SKU Information, has the following priority: Special promotion -> Pricing based on sales type -> Pricing by customer -> Sale price
        Addt'l lessClick here to allow entry of multiple discounts. For example, if you first apply an 20% discount and then a 10% discount, enter:
        The system will automatically calculate a combined discount rate of 28%, equivalent to a 72% discount.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Release

          The sales order can only be used by the "sales stock-out" after it has been released.

      2. Detailed section

        Goods pickedAfter using the sales order in the sales / stock-out, when the accounting operation is performed, the system will consider the products as shipped out, and consequently, the column of goods picked will be updated.
        Balance QTYThat is: the initial Balance QTY is equal to the total quantity. After the sales / stock-out is accounted for, the Balance QTY will decrease.


Here, you can process your Sales/stock-out. You can either generate a Sales/stock-out directly from a sales contract or manually enter it. However, it's recommended to generate it from the sales contract so that the system can deduct directly from the contract. This way, you can conveniently track the completion status of the contract and the sended quantity.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending Receivables

          The documents have been accounted for but have a receviable balance.

        2. Received

          The documents have been accounted for and there are no receviable balance.

        3. Invoice received

          The documents have been invoiced (with invoice date).

        4. Invoice not received

          The documents have not been invoiced (no invoice date).

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. bom

          Select an item, break down its Bill of Materials (BOM) to extract the required materials, and fill in the details.

        2. Use sales quotation

          You can reference released sales quotation by clicking [Use sales quotation]. The system will display a list of released sales quotations available for reference. In the selection window:

          Check the sales quotations on you wish to reference, then click 'Select.' The system will automatically generate a Sales/stock-out based on selected sales quotations. All you need to do afterwards is enter the quantity issued for this shipment.

        3. Use sales contract

          You can reference released sales contract by clicking [Use sales contract]. The system will display a list of released sales contracts available for reference. In the selection window:

          Check the sales contracts on you wish to reference, then click 'Select.' The system will automatically generate a Sales/stock-out based on the items not yet received from the selected sales contracts. All you need to do afterwards is specify the warehouse and location where these items will be issued (select a warehouse and location) and enter the quantity issued for this shipment.

        4. FCY exchange

          To utilize foreign currency functionality, please check 'Price (FCY)' and 'Amount (FCY)' on layout setting. After entering the currency, exchange rate, 'Price (FCY)', and 'Amount (FCY)', clicking this button will automatically calculate the base currency amount.

      2. Enter the head section

        Ship address: Drop-down selection, the drop-down list is the contact list of the selected customer.

      3. Enter the detailed section.

        Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
        Price(VAT Incl.)The default price set in SKU Information, has the following priority: Special promotion -> Pricing based on sales type -> Pricing by customer -> Sale price
        Addt'l lessClick here to allow entry of multiple discounts. For example, if you first apply an 20% discount and then a 10% discount, enter:
        The system will automatically calculate a combined discount rate of 28%, equivalent to a 72% discount.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. keep account

          The inventory ledger (decreasing inventory), accounts receivable (increasing accounts receivable), and updating the issued quantity on sales contracts (if referencing sales contracts) can only be updated after accounting for the documents. Therefore, it is required to audit before accounting. Once confirmed to be correct, click 'Keep Account'.

    3. Parameter Explanation:

      1. Multiple Warehouses:

        • When checked, allows selection of warehouses in the details section. A single document can include items from multiple warehouses.
        • When unchecked, warehouse selection is made at the document header level. A single document can only belong to one warehouse.
      2. Automatic Warehouse Matching:

        • When checked, automatically matches the item with the warehouse that has the highest inventory for that item upon selection.

Other payables

Here you can process your other payables. (Note: Purchase payables will be automatically generated when the purchase/stock-in is account for, so there is no need to enter it here.).

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending Payments

          The documents have been accounted for but have a payable balance.

        2. Payed

          The documents have been accounted for and there are no payable balance.

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Enter the document

        Supplier: Who do you owe money to?

        Happen date: When did you owe it?

        DD of PAY: When is it due?

        Amount: How much do you owe?

    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Keep account

          After kept account, the corresponding supplier's accounts payable will increase.



Here you can enter your payment vouchers, used for clearing the accounts payable generated from purchase receipts or other payable vouchers. Accounts payable can involve suppliers or may not.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending Write-off

          1. Payment vouchers which are accounted for and where money has been paid out but has not yet been wrote-off with purchase receipts or other payable vouchers.
          2. Payment vouchers represent transactions where money has been paid , typically as a prepayment. These vouchers await subsequent association and reconciliation with purchase receipts, which occur after they are filled out and accounted for.
  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Enter the head section

        Supplier: Optional. If provided, the payment will be associated with the corresponding payable amount for that supplier, then processed through the financial account. If not provided, it will be treated as an expense and only processed through the financial account.

      2. Enter the detailed section.

        Multiple financial accounts are allowed for joint payment.

        CategoryIf there is no supplier and it's just an expense, it's advisable to input it here.
        Cash accountSelect from which cash account to make the payment.
        PayHow much to pay
        LessPayment discount.
        Invoice No.If not cash, enter the bank's check number.
        Invoice dateWhen was the payment made?
        Bank/acIf not cash, enter from which bank and which account the payment was made.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Related payables

          1. not write-off

            Display the list of payable documents available for association.

            Click on "Related payables" to show a list of unpaid payable documents(including purchase/stock-in and other payables). Click on table cell "Pay" to input the payment amount for this payment, and click on table cell "Less" to input the discount amount for this payment. You can associate multiple payables until the total payment amount matches the amount on the document, and the total discount amount matches.

          2. wrote off

            Display only, non-editable.

            View associated payables and their respective amounts.

        2. keep account

          1. If no payables are associated, they will be associated automatically. If the association fails, the user will manually account for it and then manually click on "Payable Write-off" to associate them afterwards.
          2. Update the Cash ledger and the Payables ledger. Also update the corresponding amounts for Payed and uBalance (in cases where there are associated payables) for purchase/stock-in and other payables.
        3. Payable Write-off

          Manually click "Payable Write-off" to write-off the payables that have been accounted for but not yet associated.


Other receivables

Here you can process your other receivables. (Note: sale receivables will be automatically generated when the sales/stock-out is account for, so there is no need to enter it here.).

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Enter the document

        customer: Who owes me money?

        Happen date: When did you owe it?

        DD of PAY: When is it due?

        Amount: How much do you owe?

      2. Browse mode

        1. Toolbar buttons

          1. Keep account

            After kept account, the corresponding customer's accounts receivable will increase.


Here you can enter your collection vouchers, used for clearing the accounts receivable generated from sales/stock-out or other receivable vouchers. Accounts receivable can involve customers or may not.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending Write-off

          1. Collection vouchers which are accounted for and where money has been received in but has not yet been wrote-off with sales/stock-out or other receivable vouchers.
          2. Collection vouchers represent transactions where money has been received, typically as a precollection. These vouchers await subsequent association and reconciliation with sales/stock-out, which occur after they are filled out and accounted for.
  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Enter the head section

        Customer: Optional. If provided, the collection will be associated with the corresponding receivable amount for that customer, then processed through the financial account. If not provided, it will be treated as an income and only processed through the financial account.

      2. Enter the detailed section.

        Multiple financial accounts are allowed for joint collection.

        CategoryIf there is no customer and it's just an income, it's advisable to input it here.
        Cash accountSelect the cash account to receive the payment
        ReceiveHow much to collect
        LessPayment discount.
        Invoice No.If not cash, enter the bank's check number.
        Invoice dateWhen was the payment made?
        Bank/acIf not cash, enter from which bank and which account the payment was made.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

        1. Related receviables

          1. not write-off

            Display the list of receviables documents available for association.

            Click on "Related receviables" to show a list of unreceived receviable documents(including sales/stock-out and other receviables). Click on table cell "Receive" to input the receive amount for this collection, and click on table cell "Less" to input the discount amount for this collection. You can associate multiple receivables until the total receive amount matches the amount on the document, and the total discount amount matches.

          2. wrote off

            Display only, non-editable.

            View associated receivables and their respective amounts.

        2. keep account

          1. If no receivables are associated, they will be associated automatically. If the association fails, the user will manually account for it and then manually click on "receivable Write-off" to associate them afterwards.
          2. Update the Cash ledger and the receivables ledger. Also update the corresponding amounts for received and Balance (in cases where there are associated receivables) for sales/stock-out and other receivables.
        3. Payable Write-off

          Manually click "Receivable Write-off" to write-off the receivables that have been accounted for but not yet associated.


Bank transfer

This feature is used to move funds between accounts, such as transferring from a "Cash" account to a "Bank of China" account, or transferring from a "Bank of China" account to a "Cash" account.

  1. You will first see the list of documents for the current month. for more information, see List of documents

  2. Click "Open" to enter browse mode and open an exists document. Click "Add" to enter edit mode and add new document. for more information, see Document status: Edit/Browse

    1. Edit mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

      2. Enter the document

        1. Enter the head section

        2. Enter the detailed section.

          Transfer out A/C / Transfer in A/CThey cannot be the same account.
    2. Browse mode

      1. Toolbar buttons

      2. Keep account

        After kept account, the transfer-out account and transfer-in account are updated, the balance of funds in the transfer-out account decreases, and the balance of funds in the transfer-in account increases.


Payment details

This feature is used to display the details of payments within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding payment document.


DIY Payment summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of payments within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "Payment Date" and summarize "Pay" and "Less"
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.


Payable/paid details

This feature is used to display the amounts payable to suppliers for purchase/stock-in and other payable invoices within a specified time period, showing how much has been paid through payment documents and how much remains unpaid.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Supplier

      Filter by supplier using a dropdown list; if no selection is made, all suppliers will be included.

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding documents.

Note: When purchase/stock-in and other payable invoices are kept account, the accounts payable will increase. When payment are kept account, the accounts payable will decrease.


Statement of Payment

This feature is used to display each transaction with suppliers within a specified time period for easy reconciliation.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. *Supplier (required)

      Select the supplier for reconciliation from the dropdown menu.

    2. Show items

      checked on, show the item details.

      checked off, only show documents.

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding documents.


Payables ledger

This feature can be used to query the accounts payable ledger for a specified period for suppliers.

When a purchase/stock-in or other payable voucher is accounted, accounts payable will increase. When a payment voucher is accounted, accounts payable will decrease.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Date range

      Default to the current month. Dropdown selection options include year, half-year, quarter, and month.

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the statement for the corresponding supplier for the specified time period.


Real-time payable

This feature can be used to query the accounts payable balance for a supplier as of a specified due-date.

Although the accounts receivable ledger can also be used to check the receivable balance, it only updates after purchase/stock-in, other payables vouchers, and payment vouchers are accounted. Due to possible delays in keeping account, the accounts payable ledger may not reflect real-time updates.

Here, unrecorded documents can be included to virtually display the payable balance.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Date field

      1. Happen date

      2. Keep account date

        The result is same as Payables ledger if Keep account date selected.


Aging of payable

Refers to the long of time that the company's accounts payable remain unpaid.

  1. Filter Panel

    Classify the accounts payable into six levels based on turnover days: within 30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-180 days, 181-360 days, and over 361 days. These levels can be customized.

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the statement for the corresponding supplier for the specified time period.

Note: The aging calculation starts when purchase/stock-in and other payables vouchers are accounted. The accounts are settled after payment is made.

Collection details

This feature is used to display the details of collections within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding collection document.


DIY Collection summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of collections within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "Payment Date" and summarize "Receive" and "Less"
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.


Receivable/received details

This feature is used to display the amounts receivable to customers for sales/stock-out and other receivable invoices within a specified time period, showing how much has been received through collection documents and how much remains unreceived.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Customer

      Filter by customer using a dropdown menu; if no selection is made, all customers will be included.

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding documents.

Note: When sales/stock-out and other receivable invoices are kept account, the accounts receivable will increase. When collections are kept account, the accounts receivable will decrease.


Statement of customer

This feature is used to display each transaction with customers within a specified time period for easy reconciliation.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. *Customer (required)

      Select the supplier for reconciliation from the dropdown menu.

    2. Show items

      checked on, show the item details.

      checked off, only show documents.

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding documents.


Receivables ledger

This feature can be used to query the accounts receivable ledger for a specified period for customers.

When a sales/stock-out or other receivable voucher is accounted, accounts receivable will increase. When a collection voucher is accounted, accounts receivable will decrease.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Date range

      Default to the current month. Dropdown selection options include year, half-year, quarter, and month.

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the statement for the corresponding customer for the specified time period.


Real-time receivable

This feature can be used to query the accounts receivable balance for a customer as of a specified due-date.

Although the accounts receivables ledger can also be used to check the receivable balance, it only updates after sales/stock-out, other payables vouchers, and collection vouchers are accounted. Due to possible delays in keeping account, the accounts receivable ledger may not reflect real-time updates.

Here, unrecorded documents can be included to virtually display the payable balance.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Date field

      1. Happen date

      2. Keep account date

        The result is same as Receivables ledger if Keep account date selected.


Aging of receivable

Refers to the long of time that the company's accounts receivable remain unpaid.

  1. Filter Panel

    Classify the accounts payable into six levels based on turnover days: within 30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-180 days, 181-360 days, and over 361 days. These levels can be customized.

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the statement for the corresponding customer for the specified time period.

Note: The aging calculation starts when sales/stock-out and other receivables vouchers are accounted. The accounts are settled after collection is made.


Bank transfer details

This feature is used to display the details of bank transfer within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding Bank transfer document.


DIY Bank transfer summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of bank transfer within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "Transfer Date" and summarize "Amount"
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.


Cash ledger

This feature can be used to query the cash account ledger for a specified period.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Date range

      Default to the current month. Dropdown selection options include year, half-year, quarter, and month.

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the tranactions details for the corresponding cash account for the specified time period.


TRANS details

This feature is used to query the income and expenditure details of a specified fund account within a certain period. Specifically, it indicates when the specified account received a certain amount, the remaining balance after the income, the expenditure amount, and the remaining balance after the expenditure.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. *Cash account (required)

      Select the cash account from the dropdown list.

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.



PUR REQS details

This feature is used to display the details of PUR REQS within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Filter Panel

      1. Status

        1. Pending

          Documents that are released, not aborted, and have not used.

        2. Used

          Documents that are released, not aborted, and have been used.

    2. Department: Drop down and filter by selected department

    3. Staff: Drop down and filter by selected staff

    4. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


PUR REQS summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of purchase requestions within a specified time period. It group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity"

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding PUR REQS details for the specified time period.


DIY PUR REQS summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of purchase requestions within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity"
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.


PUR order details

This feature is used to display the details of purchase order within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Status

      1. Pending Receipt

        Released, not aborted documents with remaining (undelivered) quantities.

      2. Finished

        Released, not aborted documents without remaining (undelivered) quantities.

    2. Supplier: Drop down and filter by selected supplier

    3. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


PUR order summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of purchase orders within a specified time period. It group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax", "Amount(VAT Incl.) ", "Arrival QTY" and "Balance QTY".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding purchase order details for the specified time period.


DIY PUR order summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of purchase orders within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax", "Amount(VAT Incl.) ", "Arrival QTY" and "Balance QTY".
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding purchase order details.


PUR/stock-in details

This feature is used to display the details of purchase/stock-in within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Supplier: Drop down and filter by selected supplier
    2. Warehouse: Drop down and filter by selected warehouse
    3. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


PUR/stock-in summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of purchase/stock-in within a specified time period. It group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax" and "Amount(VAT Incl.)".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding purchase/stock-in details.


DIY PUR/stock-in summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of purchase/stock-in within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax" and "Amount(VAT Incl.)".
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding purchase/stock-in details.



MFR order details

This feature is used to display the details of manufacture order within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Status

      1. Pending Manufacturing

        Documents that are released, not aborted, and have not started production.

      2. In progress

        Documents that are released, not aborted, and have started production.

      3. Finished

        Documents that are released, not aborted, and have been completed in production.

    2. Department: Drop down and filter by selected department

    3. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


MFR order summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of manufacture orders within a specified time period. It group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Processing charge", "Completed QTY", "Balance QTY".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding manufacture order details.


DIY MFR order summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of manufacture orders within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Processing charge", "Completed QTY", "Balance QTY".
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding manufacture order details.


Job assignment detail

This feature is used to display the details of job assignment within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Status

      1. Pending Manufacturing

        Documents that are released, not aborted, and have not started production.

      2. In progress

        Documents that are released, not aborted, and have started production.

      3. Finished

        Documents that are released, not aborted, and have been completed in production.

    2. Department: Drop down and filter by selected department

    3. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


Job assignment summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of job assignments within a specified time period. It group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Processing charge", "Completed QTY", "Per-piece labour", "Balance QTY", "Normal hours", "Normal wage", "Over-time hours" and "Over-time wage".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding job assignment details.


DIY Job assignment summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of job assignments within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Processing charge", "Completed QTY", "Per-piece labour", "Balance QTY", "Normal hours", "Normal wage", "Over-time hours" and "Over-time wage".
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding job assignment details.



Inventory ledger

This feature can be used to query the inventory ledger for a specified period

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Status and alarm

      1. All items
      2. All items on hand and happend
      3. Short of storage: QOH < LowerLimit
      4. overstock: QOH > UpperLimit
    2. Date range

      Default to the current month. Dropdown selection options include year, half-year, quarter, and month.

    3. Warehouse senstive

      on: If the same item is in stock at different warehouses, display them in separate rows.

      off: If the same item is in stock at different warehouses, combine the quantities into a single row for display.

  2. Data sheet

    Balance brought forward1. Equal to the "Balance Due" of the previous month (period).
    2.Transferred from previous month (period) when carrying over
    3. The "Balance brought forward" of the first month (period) of a newly opened account book is equal to the "quantity/cost amount" in [Initialize] - [beginning inventory]
    Stock-inAfter the purchase/stock-in and other stock-in documents are accounted for, the "Stock-in" of the corresponding month (period) increases, and the "Balance Due" increases.
    Stock-outAfter the stock-out documents are accounted for, the "Stock-out" of the corresponding month (period) increases, and the "Balance Due" decreases.
    SaleAfter the sales/stock-out documents are accounted for, the "Sale" of the corresponding month (period) increases, and the "Balance Due" decreases.
    Stock-transferAfter the stock-transfer documents are accounted for, the "Stock-transfer" of the corresponding month (period) increases, and the "Balance Due" decreases.
    GP/LoseThe difference between the actual quantity after the real inventory count and the balance Due quantity
    Balance DueAt the beginning of this month (period), it is equal to "Balance brought forward". stock in, stock out, sales and transfers will cause changes at the Balance Due.
    Balance Due = Balance brought forward + Stock-in - Stock-out - Sale - Stock-transfer + GP/Lose

    Double-click to open the In/out details of corresponding warehouse, item for the corresponding period.

Note: Inventory is updated only when the purchase/stock-in, other stock-in, sales/stock-out, other stock-out, and stock-transfer documents are accounted for.


In/out details

It can display the receipt and dispatch details of a specified item over a defined time period, listing each transaction in a chronological sequence.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Item: Drop down and select item
    2. Warehouse: Drop down and select warehouse

    Items and warehouses, once selected, the system will automatically query

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.

Note: Inventory is updated only when the purchase/stock-in, other stock-in, sales/stock-out, other stock-out, and stock-transfer documents are accounted for.

This involves the inventory balance after each transaction, so it must be kept account before it can be displayed.


Real-time inventory

This feature allows querying the real-time inventory status at any given time and includes unkept account documents in the statistics.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Status and alarm

      1. All items
      2. All items on hand and happend
      3. Short of storage: QOH < LowerLimit
      4. Short of storage: QOH + Pending receipt + Pending Manufacturing < LowerLimit
      5. Short of storage: QOH + Pending receipt + Pending Manufacturing - Pending issue < LowerLimit
      6. overstock: QOH > UpperLimit
      7. overstock: QOH + Pending receipt + Pending Manufacturing > UpperLimit
      8. overstock: QOH + Pending receipt + Pending Manufacturing - Pending issue > UpperLimit
    2. Due

      Real-time inventory can specify a date due

    3. Warehouse senstive

      on: If the same item is in stock at different warehouses, display them in separate rows.

      off: If the same item is in stock at different warehouses, combine the quantities into a single row for display.


Batch-diff inventory

This feature is used to display the remaining quantity for each batch (each batch corresponds to one entry, and the entry form contains the batch number and production date). Only items with batch traceability set to FIFO (First In, First Out) or "stock issued from batchs" in the item information will appear in the Batch-diff inventory.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Status

      1. All items

      2. Batchs on hand

      3. About to shelflife

        After selecting, the number of days to set will appear, the default is 7 days

      4. Over shelflife

    2. Warehouse: Drop down and filter by selected warehouse

    3. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item

Note: The calculation and confirmation batch starts when the purchase/stock-in or other stock-in documents keeping account.


Inventory aging

This feature is used to display the duration (age) that items from each batch have been in the warehouse. It allows for querying the inventory aging of each stock item up to a specified date. Similar to accounts receivable aging, the longer the inventory age of an item, the slower the turnover and the more capital is tied up. If the table shows that a certain item's inventory age is relatively long, it serves as a timely reminder for managers to take appropriate measures to shorten the inventory age and reduce tied-up capital.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Date field

      Keep account time: Calculate inventory age by keep account date

      Prod date: Calculate inventory age by Prod date

    2. Warehouse

      Required. Automatic query after selection.

    3. Item

      Drop down and filter by selected item

    4. *Storage age distribution (days):

      Classify the accounts payable into six levels based on turnover days: within 30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-180 days, 181-360 days, and over 361 days. These levels can be customized.

  2. Data sheet

    Double click to open corresponding batch-diff inventory

Note: When keeping account, confirm the batch and start calculating the inventory age. The inventory age is inseparable from the batch. For details, see Batch trace in SKU Information.


Stock-in details

This feature is used to display the details of stock-in within a specified time period.


For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Supplier: Drop down and filter by selected supplier
    2. Warehouse: Drop down and filter by selected warehouse
    3. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


Stock-in summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of stock in within a specified time period. It group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity" and "Amount".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding stock-in details.


DIY Stock-in summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of stock in within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity" and "Amount".
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding stock-in details.



Reservation details

This feature is used to display the details of reservation within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Status

      1. Picking pending

        The documents that are released, not aborted, and have Balance quantities.

      2. Finished

        The documents that are released, not aborted, and haven't Balance quantities.

    2. Department: Drop down and filter by selected department

    3. Staff: Drop down and filter by selected staff

    4. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


Reservation summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of reservation within a specified time period. It group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding reservation details.


DIY Reservation summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of reservation within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity".
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding reservation details.


Stock-out details

This feature is used to display the details of stock issue within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Customer: Drop down and filter by selected customer
    2. Warehouse: Drop down and filter by selected warehouse
    3. Department: Drop down and filter by selected department
    4. Staff: Drop down and filter by selected staff
    5. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


Stock-out summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of stock out within a specified time period. It group by "Warehouse"+"Sku code" and summarize "Quantity" and "Amount".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding stock-out details.


Stock-out summary by recipient

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of stock out within a specified time period. It group by "Stock-out by" and summarize "Quantity" and "Amount".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding stock-out details.


Stock-out summary by DEPT

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of stock out within a specified time period. It group by "Department"+"Sku code" and summarize "Quantity" and "Amount".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding stock-out details.


Stock-out summary by DEPT and category

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of stock out within a specified time period. It group by "Department"+"Category" and summarize "Quantity" and "Amount".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding stock-out details.


DIY Stock-out summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of stock out within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity" and "Amount".
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding stock-out details.


Stock-transfer details

This feature is used to display the details of stock transfer within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Source warehouse: Drop down and filter by selected source warehouse
    2. Target warehouse: Drop down and filter by selected target warehouse
    3. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


Stock-transfer-out summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of stock transfer within a specified time period. It group by "Source warehouse"+"SKU code" and summarize "Quantity" and "Amount".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding stock-transfer details.


Stock-transfer-in summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of stock transfer within a specified time period. It group by "Target warehouse"+"SKU code" and summarize "Quantity" and "Amount".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding stock-transfer details.


DIY Stock-transfer summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of stock transfer within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity" and "Amount".
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding stock-transfer details.



Sales quotation details

This feature is used to display the details of sales quotation within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Customer: Drop down and filter by selected customer
    2. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


Sales contract details

This feature is used to display the details of sales contract within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Status

      1. Pending Shipment

        Released, not aborted documents with remaining (undelivered) quantities.

      2. Finished

        Released, not aborted documents without remaining (undelivered) quantities.

    2. Customer: Drop down and filter by selected customer

    3. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item

  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.


Sales contract summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of sales contract within a specified time period. It group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax", "Amount(VAT Incl.) ", "Issued" and "Balance QTY".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding sales contract details.


DIY Sales contract summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of sales contract within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax", "Amount(VAT Incl.) ", "Issued" and "Balance QTY".
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding sales contract details.


Sales/stock-out details

This feature is used to display the details of sales/stock-out within a specified time period.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. Customer: Drop down and filter by selected customer
    2. Warehouse: Drop down and filter by selected warehouse
    3. Department: Drop down and filter by selected department
    4. Staff: Drop down and filter by selected staff
    5. Item: Drop down and filter by selected item
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding document.

Note: Inventory valuation is calculated while keeping account the sales/stock-out. If it is not kept account, the "Cost Amount," "Cost Price," and "Profit" will not be displayed.


Sales/stock-out summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of salese/stock-out within a specified time period. It group by "Warehouse"+"SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax", "Amount(VAT Incl.) ", "Cost amount" and "Profit".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding sales/stock-out details.

Note: Inventory valuation is calculated while keeping account the sales/stock-out. If it is not kept account, the "Cost Amount," "Cost Price," and "Profit" will not be displayed.


Sales summary by customer

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of salese/stock-out within a specified time period. It group by "Customer"+"SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax", "Amount(VAT Incl.) ", "Cost amount" and "Profit".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding sales/stock-out details.

Note: Inventory valuation is calculated while keeping account the sales/stock-out. If it is not kept account, the "Cost Amount," "Cost Price," and "Profit" will not be displayed.


Staff sales acheivement

This feature is used to compile statistics on employees' sales performance over a specified period. It groups data by "Sales clerk" and summarizes "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax", "Amount(VAT Incl.) ", "Cost amount" and "Profit".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding sales/stock-out details.

Note: Inventory valuation is calculated while keeping account the sales/stock-out. If it is not kept account, the "Cost Amount," "Cost Price," and "Profit" will not be displayed.


Monthly sales

This feature is used to compile monthly sales statistics. It groups data by month based on the date field and summarizes "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax", "Amount(VAT Incl.) ", "Cost amount" and "Profit".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding sales/stock-out details.

Note: Inventory valuation is calculated while keeping account the sales/stock-out. If it is not kept account, the "Cost Amount," "Cost Price," and "Profit" will not be displayed.


Daily sales

This feature is used to compile daily sales statistics. It groups data by day based on the date field and summarizes "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax", "Amount(VAT Incl.) ", "Cost amount" and "Profit".

  1. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding sales/stock-out details.

Note: Inventory valuation is calculated while keeping account the sales/stock-out. If it is not kept account, the "Cost Amount," "Cost Price," and "Profit" will not be displayed.


DIY Sales/stock-out summary

This feature is used to display grouped summaries of salese/stock-out within a specified time period. The grouping fields and summary fields can be customized.

For more information, see Data sheet.

  1. Filter Panel

    1. group field, summary field

      1. By default, group by "SKU code" and summarize "Quantity", "Amount", "Less", "Tax", "Amount(VAT Incl.) ", "Cost amount" and "Profit".
      2. You can reset the group or summary field by clicking. After click, the system will popup a setting window to check group field and summary field.
  2. Data sheet

    Double-click to open the corresponding sales/stock-out details.

Note: Inventory valuation is calculated while keeping account the sales/stock-out. If it is not kept account, the "Cost Amount," "Cost Price," and "Profit" will not be displayed.



Start stock-taking

This feature is used to generate an stock-taking sheet, so that you can enter the actual quantity later.

Note: Carefully read the confirmation items and then check "I have read the confirmation items." If you skip the inventory carryover to the next month, you do not need to proceed with the following steps.


Stock-taking table

  1. This feature is used for:

    1. Printing a blank stock-taking table to be distributed to the warehouse, where warehouse staff will accurately fill in the actual quantities and amounts.
    2. Entering the results into the computer so that the system can compare the actual count with the computer records.
    3. Querying stock-taking sheets from previous months.

    Note: Steps 1 and 2 constitute the stock-taking process.

  2. Toolbar buttons

    Add1. If it is the current month and the warehouse has been selected, it will be displayed
    2. If the counted items are not in the stock-taking table, click "Add" to select an Item
    PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
    LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
    RefreshReload data 
    ExportExport to Excel file 
    SearchType in keyword to search for 
  3. Filter Panel

    1. Date range

      Default to the current month. Dropdown and select a month

    2. Warehouse

      Required, After selecting, query the stock-taking table

  4. Stock taking table

    1. If it is a previous month, display the stock taking table. (readonly)
    2. If it is the current month, the stock taking table will be displayed, and modification are allowed.
    Actual QTYBy default, is current quantity on hand.
    If there are different with actual count, please modify.
    Actual AmountBy default, is current valuation on hand.
    If there are different with actual, please modify.


GP/Loss Details

This feature is used to display the discrepancy between the actual counted quantity and the computer-recorded quantity. If the actual counted quantity is greater than the computer-recorded quantity, it is considered a surplus; otherwise, it is a deficit.

Whether there is a surplus or a deficit, it indicates an abnormal situation that must be investigated:

Was something stolen? Was there an error in the records?


Carry-over of Stock to Next Period(Month)

This feature is used to compare the actual counted quantity with the computer-recorded quantity. Based on the discrepancies, it automatically generates surplus inventory receipts and deficit inventory issues. These documents are then automatically posted to update the inventory, ensuring that the ending balance on the computer matches the physical count.

The system then closes the current period and rolls over to the next period, advancing the period by one. The ending inventory of the current month becomes the beginning inventory for the next month.



User group

This feature is used to customize user groups and their permissions.

If a user belongs to a certain user group, the user has the permissions of that group.

Of course, you can also skip the user group and directly add a user to grant individual permissions.

  1. The left side is the user group list:

    1. Add

      Click the "Add" button to add a user group. User groups are typically defined based on responsibilities, such as Sales Group, Purchasing Group, Finance Group, etc.

    2. Edit

      The "Edit" button is located next to each item in the user group list. To edit a user group, click the corresponding "Edit" button. This is mainly for editing the group name and enabling or disabling the group.

    3. Delete

      The "Delete" button is located next to each item in the user group list. To delete a user group, click the corresponding "Delete" button.

  2. The right side shows the permission tree of the currently selected user group.

    After selecting a user group on the left, the corresponding permissions are displayed on the right. Checkmarks indicate granted permissions. After selecting the permissions, click the "Save" button in the upper right corner.



This function is mainly used to manage users (operators) who log in to the system

  1. The left side is the department

    This is department management of company and multi-level supported.

    The root node is company name.

    New dept.Create a new sub-department under the currently selected department.If you want to add a new sibling department, please clck "New dept." button after select its parent department.
    RenameModify the name of the currently selected department.This button will be hidden after the root node(company) is selected
    DeleteDelete currently selected department.1. This button will be hidden after the root node(company) is selected
    2. If there are staffs in the current department, Delete can not be done.
  2. Right size is user list

    It will displays all user in the selected department (include child department ) after select a department

    AddAdd a new user in currently selected department. 
    DeleteDelete user(s) which has be checked on.This button will be hidden if user is not be checked on.
    PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
    ImportImport from ExcelImport from Excel. The Excel file format is same as the Excel file you Export.
    MoveMove user which you checked on to other department.This button will be hidden if user is not be checked on
    LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
    RefreshReload data 
    ExportExport to Excel file 
    SearchType in keyword to search for 
    EditModify user informationClick Edit button to edit corresponding user
    PrivilegesModify user's privileges.Click Privileges button to edit corresponding user's privileges
  3. User interface of Add/Edit

    1. User code: Account used to log in to the system
    2. Password: The default value is 123456, which can be modified by the user after logging in
    3. Name
    4. In user groups: If a user belongs to a user group, the user has the permissions of the user group.
    5. Active: If it is not checked on, it is disabled and no business can be performed.
  4. Privileges

    1. Check on means you have permission
    2. The tree structure is the functional module structure of this system
    3. After clicking the module on the left, more detailed function buttons of the module will appear on the right
    4. If you click on the system name, global permissions will appear on the right.

Account book

This function is used to add, modify and manage account books.

  1. Add, Edit

    Click Add to add a new account book

    Click Edit to edit an exist account book

    1. General

      1. Account book name: Name of ccount book.

      2. Start period

        The month from which the account will be used. You can modify it before Create account book. You cannot modify it after opening an account.

      3. Active:

        If it is not checked on, it is disabled and no business can be performed.

    2. Authorized user group

      Check on the user group that can use this account set (users in the user group are automatically authorized)

    3. Authorized dept.

      Check on the department that can use this account set (users under the department are automatically authorized)

    4. Authorized user

      Check on the users who can use this account set

  2. Recovery

    Recovery to :

    1. Begining of selected month
    2. End of selected month (Before stock-taking)
    3. Before creating account book
  3. Enter

    Click to enter the account book, or click the account book on the home page to enter the account book





Left side is used to customize form fields.

  1. On the left is a list of form fields

    1. Check on to display this field, uncheck to hide this field
    2. After selecting, all properties of the currently selected field will be displayed on the right
    3. Click on the up and down buttons to change the order of the columns.
  2. Field properties

    TitleField title
    TypeData type, not allowed to modify now.


Right side is used to customize the table

  1. On the left is a list of table columns

    1. Check on to display this column, uncheck to hide this column
    2. After selecting, all properties of the currently selected column will be displayed on the right
    3. Click on the up and down buttons to change the order of the columns.
  2. Column properties

    Titlecolumn title
    Title alignColumn title alignment
    Search1. Text: Display a search box on the column title to search the current column content by keyword or its first pinyin
    2. Select: Display a drop-down selection on the column title to filter the current column content
    Data alignData alignment
    Width(px)Column width, in pixels
    Auto-fit widthAutomatically adjust column width based on column content
    TypeData type, not allowed to modify now.
    FormatDate Format
    Hide zeroHide if zero
    Fraction sizeThe number of decimal places of the value is very useful. Generally, the unit price will be set to 8 decimal places because division is used when calculating the unit price from the amount. Increasing the number of decimal places can increase the precision.
    Thousand separatorThousands separator for numeric values
    Decimal separatorDecimal separator for numeric values



Report print

Provide report template management, report printing, and report template design and modification.

Report template design modification requires downloading app

  1. Toolbar buttons

    PrintPrints a report using the selected report template
    DesignModify the selected report template
    CopyCopy a new report template using the selected report template
    RenameRename the selected report template
    DeleteDelete the selected report template


List of documents

  1. Toolbar buttons

    AddAdd new documentLearn more: Document status: Edit/Browse
    OpenOpen the current documentYou can also open it by double clicking
    Learn more: Document status: Edit/Browse
    DeleteDelete checked documentsDocument can not be deleted after keeping account or release.
    Keep account (Release)Keep account (Release) the checked documents 
    RevertUnrelease checked documents 
    PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
    InvoiceRegister invoice for the checked documents1. When the document is: Purchase/stock-in, Other stock-in, Other stock-out, Sales/stock-out, the "Invoice" button is displayed
    2.If only one document is selected, the amount will be automatically displayed as the total amount, which can be modified.
    3. If you check many documents, the amount will not be prompted. If you do not fill in the amount, the total amount will be used. If you fill in the amount, the amount of all the checked orders will be based on the amount filled in.
    LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
    RefreshReload data 
    ExportExport to Excel file 
    SearchType in keyword to search for 
  2. Filter Panel

    1. Status

      1. ALL
      2. Kept account(Released)
      3. Not kept account(Unreleased)
      4. Aborted
      5. etc.
    2. Date field

      There are many date fields on the document, such as production date, K/A date, etc. Before select the date range, specify which date field to filter by.

    3. Date range

      The default is the current month. Select Date range from the drop-down menu. Select "Between" to select from the calendar.

  3. Documents list

    Display the document list (filter results)


Document status: Edit/Browse

  1. User interface of document

    1. Toolbar buttons
    2. Head
    3. Master data
    4. Summary
    5. Foot
  2. Browse mode (Read only

    1. Toolbar buttons

      Return to listReturn to documents list 
      PriorPrevious document 
      NextNext document 
      NewEnter the document editing state and start input new document 
      EditEnter the document editing state and edit current document 
      DeleteDelete current document 
      CopyCopy the current document to the new document and stay in the modification state 
      Keep account (Release)Keep account (Release) current document 
      RevertUnrelease current document 
      NegateGenerate a negative document, which is the same as the original document, but with a negative quantity 
      AbortAbort current document 
      PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
      ExportExport to Excel file 
      LayoutCustomize documentLearn more: Layout
  3. Edit mode (Editabled)

    1. Toolbar buttons

      SaveSave current documentIt will switch to browse mode after saving
      UndoGive up modification or addingIt will switch to browse mode after undo
      ImportImport from ExcelImport from Excel. The Excel file format is same as the Excel file you Export.
      Add row aboveAdd an empty row above current row. 
      Add row belowAdd an empty row after current row. 
      Delete rowDelete current row 
      UpMove current row up 
      DownMove current row down 
      MergeMerge items with the same number into a row and add up the quantities 
      LayoutCustomize documentLearn more: Layout
    2. Enter the head section

      1. Doc No. : Automatically generated, you can click the settings behind to set the numbering scheme
      2. Other input as needed
      3. Unnecessary fields can be set by clicking the button "Layout"
    3. Enter document master data

      1. Gray columns do not need to be entered, such as the name and specifications of the item. These have already been entered in the SKU information and will be automatically displayed after selecting the item.
      2. If the text in the gray column is a blue hyperlink with an underline, you can click it to enter it, such as multiple units of measurement, Addt'l less, Batch Write-off , etc.
      3. You can enter keywords or their first pinyin in the drop-down selection cell and then select it. You can use the mouse or the up and down keys on the keyboard to select.
      4. After the necessary items of the current row are entered, a new row will be added automatically, or you can add a row manually.
      5. Unnecessary columns can be set by clicking the button "Layout"
      SKU code1. If the setting "CRLF on sku code cell" have been checked (special note: not recommended if you don't use a scanner), enter the item code manually or by scanner. If you enter manually, press Enter after entering.
      2. Select an item from the drop-down list, or enter a keyword or its first pinyin to filter and then select
      3. The name and specifications are displayed according to the selected item. If the selected item has defined size, gross weight, and net weight in the SKU information, they will be automatically displayed and the total will be automatically calculated according to the quantity.
      QuantitEnter quantity
      Qty DescIf this item is defined with multiple units of measure, click here to allow enter in different units, which will be converted to the primary unit quantity.Toolbar buttons
      Addt'l lessClick here to enter multiple discounts. For example, if you want to give a 20% discount first and then a 10% discount, enter:
      1. 20
      2. 10
  4. Enter the foot section

    1. Attachments

      You can upload the related attachments, such as paper documents, related contracts, etc.

  5. Options explanation

    1. Auto Start New DOC

      It will automatically start a new document after saving, if this option is checked on.

    2. Auto copy last doc's header

      if this option is checked on, it will copy the head of prior document after clicking button "new".

    3. CRLF on sku code cell

      If the setting "CRLF on sku code cell" have been checked (special note: not recommended if you don't use a scanner), enter the item code manually or by scanner. If you enter manually, press Enter after entering.


    5. CRLF on QTY cell

Data sheet

  1. Toolbar buttons

    OpenOpen current selectd documentor double click to open
    Learn more:Document status: Edit/Browse
    PrintPrint reportLearn more: Report print
    LayoutCustomize grid columnsLearn more: Layout
    RefreshReload data 
    ExportExport to Excel file 
    SearchType in keyword to search for 
  2. Filter Panel

    1. Status

      1. ALL
      2. Kept account(Released)
      3. Not kept account(Unreleased)
      4. etc.
    2. Date field

      There are many date fields on the document, such as production date, K/A date, etc. Before select the date range, specify which date field to filter by.

    3. Date range

      The default is the current month. Select Date range from the drop-down menu. Select "Between" to select from the calendar.

  3. Data list

    Display the data list (filter results)